It was a pleasure to welcome parents, grandparents and toddlers to our Open Morning. The year six pupils were delighted to be the tour guides sharing their experiences of school and to show our facilities.

If you were unable to make the day we would be delighted to welcome you for a personal tour with the Headteacher Steve Roddy.

Please complete this form to organise a visit.

Our next Open Morning is on Wednesday 16th March.


Date posted: 29th September 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Open Morning

Categories: Uncategorised

The whole school took part in celebrating European Day of Languages with a special assembly and activities in school and to explore at home. In their Spanish and French lessons the children have been learning about different greetings. The children have different activities to try out on Team and we have been making use of this great book about languages around Europe.

Languages Journey Around Europe

Date posted: 27th September 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on European Day of Languages

Categories: Uncategorised

It was wonderful to have the whole school together for our Harvest Service back at St Peter’s Church. Thank you to Rev Jonathan for leading our worship and well done to all of the classes who performed songs, poems and shared prayers.

The school community have also brought in a huge collection of items for South Leicester Foodbank, thank you to Mrs Clarke for organising the collection.

MicrosoftTeams-image (56) MicrosoftTeams-image (55) MicrosoftTeams-image (54)

Date posted: 24th September 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Harvest Service

Categories: Uncategorised

Arbor Parents Guide

Arbor is available on the web via a computer or tablet, or through the app that can be downloaded on the Google Play Store or App Store.
When accessing Arbor from a computer – we recommend using the Google Chrome Web Browser.

Logging In For the First Time

To login into the Parent Portal for the first time and view your child’s dashboard, you will need the welcome email sent from our school. You must log in for the first time on a desktop computer or laptop, using Chrome as your web browser.

You will then be able to access the app from your mobile device.

This email will confirm your username (your email on school record) and a link for you to click on that will take you directly to your schools’ Parent Portal site.

On your first login only, you will need to enter your child’s date of birth to access the dashboard.

Which features are we currently using? 

  • Clubs & Trips
  • Communications
  • Update your Child’s Profile
  • Give Consent

Changed your email address or unsure if the school has the correct one? 

If you have changed your email address or are unsure which address the school holds for you, contact the main office: 01858 545237 to update these details.

Having trouble logging in? Work through these troubleshooting tips: Why can’t parents log in?

Date posted: 8th September 2021 | Author: | Comments Off on Arbor App

Categories: Uncategorised